Onzima Ventures

2672 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: back to Gavin Burnell at Globo & Onzima - not every AIM disaster is fraud - most are not!

So few companies are total frauds. Burnell creation Globo (GBO) was but Onzima (ONZ) is not. So what happens if you lose money on this company or another which goes horribly wrong? 


2756 days ago

Shamed Globo Entrepreneur Gavin Burnell drives coach & horses through AIM rules again - Onzima suspended

Oh dear, Oh Dear, Gavin Burnell is in another spot of bother. Gavin, who is now working as a senior broker at bucket shop Beaufort Securities, brought the fraud Globo (GBO) to the market and made vast sums as a well paid NED and via share sales while the CEO stole all the cash. After that no firm with any credibility or self respect would hire him but clearly he fits in really well round at Belfort. But now there is another trainwreck on his watch - Onzima Ventures (ONZ) shares in which have been suspended today.


2937 days ago

Onzima Ventures & Nigel Theobald: its chicken and egg

Onzima Ventures (ONZ) the "investment company " run by Globo disgraced Gavin Burnell spends most of its efforts doing spivvy short term trades in small AIM casino stocks - its only real long term investment is a 49% stake in a private company N4 Pharma Ltd. Is that the chicken or the egg?
